Raising kids and the lemon conundrum

Ever heard of," When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" What if life hurls rotten lemons at you? Sometimes that's how bad things can get, especially with raising kids. One moment you are ecstatic. The next moment, you just want to go hide in a closet. Remember that time when your kid became unbearable to deal with? Remember the times when they threw the mother of all tantrums as you were trying to drive home safely. Or what about that time when your kid decided to yell, "I hate you." Read about how this mom reminisces about her experience raising children here.

When kids do badly in school or behave badly in a public place, there are fingers pointed, hand-over-mouth gasps and nods of disapproval. A completely honest person will agree that no parent is perfect. There are moments when you just want to crawl into a ball and just go to sleep. Parenting is hard. There could be a zillion reasons for you to feel that life has literally sucked the life out of you. Let's come back to the initial lemon conundrum. Dealing with this lemon situation is not simple but not impossible either. I would like to give you a 5-second escape route from reality, which will help you unwind and stay sane.

  • Take a deep breath and choose deliberately to zone out to your happy place for a few minutes. You deserve to be in that happy place.
  • Stop worrying about the past. What's done is done. A new day is another opportunity for you to buck up, hold life by the reins and take control.
  • Remember that anyone can play the blame game all day. But that's not what we want, we want results for our problems- be it potty training or getting rid of the pacifier. 
  • Take responsibility for your actions. Make a deliberate attempt to choose the right thing over the easy one. It is easy to pop your kid in front of the telly with a bowl of crisps, but a more challenging and better thing would be to help them read a book. 
  • Try again. You might say it's so hard! Yes, it is. No matter where you are or what you are going through, don’t give up. Try just one more time; maybe it’s just that one time that will change your situation.


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